About us
The Department of Endocrinology and Pediatric Endocrinology was founded in 1940. The main areas of activity of the department include educational, scientific, methodical, diagnostic, therapeutic and advisory work.
The educational activity of the department consists of the organization of postgraduate education (advancement of qualifications, internships, specialization) for domestic doctors, in the training of foreign clinical residents, as well as students of higher education in the specialties 222 “Medicine” and 228 “Pediatrics” of the 4th year. The educational component is one of the priority directions of the department’s activity. Annually, 250-300 students study at the department. The department regularly conducts thematic improvement cycles “Modern aspects of clinical endocrinology”, “Issues of reproductive endocrinology”, “Emergencies in endocrinology”, “Childhood endocrinology”, cycles of specialization, internships “Endocrinology” and “Pediatric endocrinology”, as well as training clinical residents, graduate students, interns.
The scientific directions of the department’s work are the improvement of methods of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, thyropathies and hormonally active pituitary adenomas. Employees of the department take part in the implementation of scientific research works of the state institution “Institute of Problems of Endocrine Pathology named after V.Ya. Danylevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.
The above-mentioned areas of work of the department are combined with methodical work, namely with the preparation and publication of textbooks, monographs, training manuals and methodical recommendations in endocrinology. Employees of the department are also involved in work of multidisciplinary commissions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the development of standards for the treatment of endocrine pathology on the topics “Diabetes 1 type”, “Diabetes 2 type”, “Diabetes insipidus”.
The medical and diagnostic work of the department’s employees is carried out in the clinic and consulting polyclinic of the state institution “Institute of Problems of Endocrine Pathology named after V.Ya. Danylevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, the clinic of the State University “Institute of Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.
Employees of the department take a direct part in the organization of annual endocrinological conferences, conducting international clinical studies on the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- International activity
- Medical work
- Післядипломна освіта

The Department of Endocrinology was founded in 1940 on the base of the Ukrainian institute for the improvement of doctors. Organizer and head of the endocrinology department from 1940 to 1941 and in 1957-1968 there was professor S.G. Genes is a pathophysiologist-diabetologist, author of 12 monographs. His scientific works are devoted to the study of the pathogenesis of diabetes and methods of its compensation.
From 1949 to 1952, the department was headed by professor M.A. Kopelovich. During this period, the main scientific attention of the department was focused on the study of problems of diabetology, neuroendocrinology, thyroidology and pediatric endocrinology.

The educational process is conducted on the basis of the clinic of the state institution “Institute of Problems of Endocrine Pathology named after V.Ya. Danylevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and the clinic of the state institution “Institute of Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”. The basis of the educational process is postgraduate education (improvement of qualifications, internship, specialization) for domestic doctors, as well as training of foreign clinical residents. In recent years, the department has developed 12 manuals for better understanding of endocrinology material.

The scientific directions of the department’s work are the improvement of methods of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, pathology of the thyroid gland, and hormonally active pituitary adenomas. In recent years, two PhD theses were defended at the department. Scientific work is also confirmed by numerous publications in international journals, obtaining patents of Ukraine for an invention, a useful model. The Department of Endocrinology and Children’s Endocrinology is an active participant in the annual “Danilevskiy readings” conferences, which are devoted to current problems of endocrinology.
Academician Y.I. Karachentsev is the chief editor of the journal “Problems of Endocrine Pathology”, one of the few in Ukraine, which is included in the scientometric database Scopus, a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Endocrinology”, “International Journal of Endocrinology”, “Clinical Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery”.

In recent years, the department’s employees have published more than 200 scientific works, including 19 articles in the editions of the SCOPUS database and 1 article in the Web of Science.
The teaching staff of the department is a member of many international associations and federations: International Associational for Comparative Medicine, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, European Thyroid Association, American Diabetes Association, International Diabetes Federation. Employees of the department also take part in international clinical research.

Medical work by the staff of the department is carried out on the basis of the clinic, consulting polyclinic of the state institution “Institute of Problems of Endocrine Pathology named after V.Ya. Danylevsky National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and the clinic of the state institution “Institute of Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.
The scientific-teaching staff of the department ensures the professional growth of the colleagues of the clinic and polyclinic departments thanks to the holding of joint clinical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, consiliums on the latest achievements in medicine and their implementation in health care practice. Having many years of experience in the treatment of patients with endocrine pathology, the staff of the department is engaged in the development of clinical recommendations and protocols for doctors in the field of Endocrinology for the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The department conducts the following types of postgraduate education:
Cycles of thematic improvement
- “Modern aspects of clinical endocrinology”.
- “Issues of reproductive endocrinology”.
- “Emergencies in endocrinology”.
- “Childhood Endocrinology”.
Cycles of specialization
- “Endocrinology”
- “Pediatric endocrinology”
Internship cycles
- “Endocrinology”
- “Pediatric endocrinology”