About us
The Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Medical Cosmetology of Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 2008. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and consulting work.
The educational work of the department consists in teaching 4th year students of Kharkiv National Medical University on the subject “Dermatology, Venereology”, “Medical Cosmetology”, 2-nd year students – on subject “Cosmetology”, 5-th year students – on subject “Physiotherapy in Cosmetology” as well as in the training of clinical residents, masters, graduatestudents, interns. Teaching of the above disciplines is conducted in Ukrainian and English.
The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis combined with hypertension, chronic dermatoses, mixed urogenital infections, skin parasites.
The staff of the department takes an active part in various international projects. Conferences, round tables, methodical meetings are held jointly with the SE «Institute of Dermatology and Venereology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine».

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Therapeutic work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The department was founded in 2008. The founder and its first head at that time was associate professor Bilovol A.M. The first staff of the department: head – Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Bilovol A.M., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Tkachenko S.G., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Broche O.A., Ph.D., Assis. Kovalenko V.A.; as part-time assistants – dermatovenereologists Shtyrov I.M. and Ryzhkova N.O.

The department trains students in educational and professional programs “Dentistry” “Medicine”; and studies the educational components (disciplines) “Dermatology, Venereology”; “Dermatology, Venereology with features of Childhood”, “Cosmetology”, “Medical Cosmetology”, “Physiotherapy in cosmetology”. Modern training methods are widely used in the training of students at the department. Practical training of students takes place on a clinical basis (KNP “City Dermatological and Venereological Dispensary” CHOR). Elective courses “Cosmetology”, “Medical cosmetology”, “Physiotherapy in cosmetology” are taught at the department.
The department has created 12 textbooks, 5 study guidelines, etc.
Training of scientific personnel under the educational-scientific program “Skin and venereal diseases” and postgraduate training of specialists is carried out.

Scientific interests of the department – modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic dermatoses, study of comorbidity of chronic dermatoses
Research topics of the department include current issues of modern dermatovenereology.
Research work of the department: “Clinical and pathogenetic aspects of chronic lichenoid dermatoses” 2019-2021; “Optimization of treatment of psoriatic pathology combined with arterial hypertension”, 2016-2018; “Comprehensive treatment of infectious urethritis with the use of physiotherapy”, 2013-2015; “Rational therapy of patients with psoriasis associated with cardiometabolic disorders, taking into account etiopathogenetic factors”, 2012-2014; “Diagnostic and prognostic aspects of cardiometabolic disorders in patients with systemic dermatoses”, 2010-2012.
Training of PhD, doctors of sciences – for 12 years of work the staff and applicants of the department prepared and defended 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations: 2011 – defense of doctoral dissertation A.M. Bilovol “Pathogenesis and therapy of psoriasis with varying severity of endogenous arthrotic intoxication”; 2016 – defense of the candidates dissertation of I.E. Lukyanov “Complex treatment of urogenital mixed infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, herpes) in combination with benzimidazole derivatives, ozone therapy and phototherapy”; 2016 – defense of the candidates dissertation of A.A. Beregova “Complex treatment of patients with psoriasis taking into account the state of ergo- and trophotropic systems of the body”,
Participation in research projects – joint research with the Department of Propaedeutics internal medicine №1 KhNMU “Diagnostic and prognostic aspects of cardiometabolic disorders in patients with systemic dermatoses” 2010-2012; cooperation agreement (holding joint conferences, sister classes, joint publications) Jafferany Psychiatric & JPS Psychological services (Michigan,USA), clinical base of the Medical College of the Central University of Michigan 2019-2024 yy, head of the department prof. A.M. Bilovol – co-executor of the research “Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of comorbid pathology (hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus) based on the assessment of cardiohemodynamics, metabolism and pharmacogenetic analysis” (2017-2019); internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar «Dermatology» – assoc. prof Tkachenko S.G., 2016; internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar “Chronic Skin Inflammatory diseases” – assoc. prof. S.G. Tkachenko – 2017, internship in English for educators Finland «Internship to confirm the English language proficiency and acquaintance with the educational system of all levels in Finland» – ass. Beregova A.A., ass. Tatuzyan EG, 2017, participation in the US-Ukraine program “Awareness of dermatovenereologists on psychodermatology in Ukraine” – ass. Havryliuk O.A., 2018, participation in the educational program France “Educational program for doctors, organized by the Association of French-Ukrainian Cooperation in Medicine and Pharmacy (ASFUDS) with the assistance of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies” – prof. A.M. Bilovol, ass. O.A. Havryliuk, ass. A.A. Beregova, ass. E.G. Tatuzyan 2018, internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar “Chronic Skin Inflammatory Diseases”; – ass. O.A. Havryliuk, 2019.
Scientific products of the department: 10 patents of Ukraine for utility model were received, 3 monographs, 3 information letters, 3 methodical recommendations on implementation of research results, more than 100 articles in professional journals and collections of scientific works, including 4 SCOPUS databases.
The department held 32 scientific and practical conferences, including with international honor. In 2019, the department held an international conference under the agreement on cooperation with US colleagues International scientific and practical conference “Psychosomatic aspects in dermatology” and a master class of the guest of honor of the conference Mohammad Jafferany Workshop of Clinical associate professor Mohammad Jafferany, MD, FAPA Medical College Central University of Michigan “Psychodermatology: world experience and practical aspects”.
Employees of the department actively participate in the scientific life of international and domestic society. Over the years, its staff has made more than 30 reports and more than 100 publications of abstracts at international and domestic scientific and practical forums, attended more than 300 scientific and practical conferences, congresses, congresses, symposia, which took place in Ukraine, CIS countries, USA, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Montenegro, Italy, France and others.

Therapeutic, diagnostic and consultative work is carried out on the basis of KZOZ “HMKSHVD-5”. The total number of beds assigned to the department is 40. Teachers of the department diagnose and treat patients in outpatient and inpatient departments, provide consultations. Within the framework of cooperation the clinicians of the department carry out diagnostics and treatment of patients, consultations of associate professors, weekly rounds of the head of the department, clinical conferences, developed methodical recommendations for doctors and information sheets on diagnostics and treatment of psoriasis, mixed urogenital infections.
Membership in professional organizations.
Alla Mykolayivna Bilovol is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Therapy, and the International Dermoscopy Society.
Tkachenko Svitlana Gennadiyivna is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Therapy, International Dermoscopy Society, International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Pustova Natalia Oleksandrivna is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, International Dermoscopy Society.
Beregova Alla Anatoliivna is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Therapy, International Dermoscopy Society.
Gavrilyuk Oleksandra Anatoliivna – Member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Therapy, International Dermoscopy Society, Ukrainian Hair Research Association (UHRS), European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), International Society of Dermatology for IS Psychocutaneous Medicine of North America (APMNA).
Kolganova Natalia Leonidivna is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists, Cosmetologists, Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Therapy.

International activities of the department: agreement on mutual cooperation (holding joint conferences, sister classes, joint publications) Jafferany Psychiatric & JPS Psychological services (Michigan, USA), clinical base of the Medical College of the Central University of Michigan 2019-204.
Internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar “Dermatology” – Assoc. Tkachenko S.G., 2016, internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar “Chronic Skin Inflammatory Diseases” – Assoc. S.G. Tkachenko – 2017, internship in English for educators Finland “Internship to confirm the English language proficiency and acquaintance with the educational system of all levels in Finland” – as. Beregova A.A., assistant Tatuzyan EG, 2017, participation in the US-Ukraine program “Awareness of dermatovenereologists on psychodermatology in Ukraine” – Assoc. Gavrilyuk O.A., 2018, participation in the educational program France “Educational program for doctors, organized by the Association of French-Ukrainian Cooperation in Medicine and Pharmacy (ASFUDS) with the assistance of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies” – Prof. A.M. Bilovol, assistant professor OA Gavrilyuk, assistant A.A. Beregova, assistant EG Tatuzyan 2018, internship Austria OMI Zalzburg Medical Seminar “Chronic Skin Inflammatory Diseases” – Assoc. O.A. Gavrilyuk, 2019. Employees of the department are members of international professional associations: EADV, ISD, APMNA and recipients of international grants to participate in International Professional Congresses. Professor Mohammad Jafferany, MD, FAPA, from the Medical College of the Central University of Michigan, is invited to give lectures on psychodermatology. Also under the contract for students on a competitive basis there are opportunities for academic opportunities for internships in a private clinic in America.

Postgraduate training – discipline “Modern scientific research on internal medicine (specializing in skin and sexually transmitted diseases)”
TU “Interdisciplinary aspects of skin and mucous membrane diseases” for physicians of therapeutic profile
TU “Dermatoaesthetic aspects of general medicine” for physicians of therapeutic profile
Head of the circle: assistant Havryliuk Oleksandra Anatoliivna, Ph.D.
SSC members: 4th year medical students. The composition is updated annually.
Format: meeting once a month in the online format Zoom, Google-meet or in person at the department.
At the meeting, the teacher introduces students to interesting clinical cases. Students give mini-presentations on different types of dermatocosmetic pathology.