About us
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 1 of Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1805. The main activities of the department include educational, methodological, scientific, medical, diagnostic and advisory work. Pedagogical work is to teach students 4, 5, 6 courses of I, II medical faculties and V-VII faculties of the Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals KhNMU in specialty 222 “Medicine”, second (master’s) level, in the discipline “Obstetrics and Gynecology”; 4 courses of the Dentistry Faculty and the 6th Faculty of the Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals KhNMU in the specialty 221 “Dentistry”, second (master’s) level, in the discipline “Obstetrics”. Studies at the department are conducted in Ukrainian and English. While organizing the educational process at the department, both traditional educational and methodological approaches and new forms of training in obstetrics and gynecology are used.
Methodical work is carried out with the use of textbooks in the educational process, guidelines and textbooks for students and teachers, published in 2017-2020 in Ukrainian and English. Classes are held taking into account modern interpretations of obstetrics and gynecology, with the active use of computer programs to control student’s knowledge. Lectures and practical classes are taught using the latest technical teaching aids.
Research of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 1 KhNMU is aimed at optimizing the diagnosis, treatment of perinatal infections in high-risk pregnant women; determining the role of relaxin in the preinduction of childbirth; optimization of diagnosis and treatment of endometrial hyperplastic conditions in metabolic syndrome, determination of new pathogenetic approaches to diagnosis and treatment of adenomyosis, etc.
The staff of the department conduct consultations for pregnant and gynecological patients in hospitals and antenatal clinics, perform diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations, and surgical interventions. Participate in councils, pathoanatomical conferences, “Specialist Days”. Every year, doctors from other medical institutions improve their qualifications at the bases of the department.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Clinical work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The history of the department began with the founding in 1805 of Kharkiv University, which included the Department of Midwifery (since 1835 – midwifery, women’s and children’s diseases, 1863 – obstetrics and women’s diseases with children’s department and clinic, 1884 – obstetrics and women’s diseases with clinic). The first head of the department was adjunct of medicine A.Ya. Calcau (1805–1811). Methodological teaching of the discipline was initiated by his follower I.P. Kamensky (1811–1819) in the form of a course of lectures and theoretical classes with mastery of practical skills on the phantom. The glorious period in the history of the department is associated with the name of the outstanding obstetrician-gynecologist I.P. Lazarevich, who was the head during 1862–1885.He not only provided a scientific basis for teaching the discipline, which contributed to the improvement of practical obstetrics, became an outstanding figure in domestic and world obstetrics, but also created the Midwife Institute (1869) to train midwives. The development of the Kharkiv school of obstetricians and gynecologists was continued by the next head of the department (1885–1902) M.P. Tolochinov, who proposed a method for stopping atonic uterine bleeding by means of uterine tamponade, described the clinic of non-union of the interventricular membrane of newborns (Tolochinov-Roger disease). The following leaders did not betray the traditions of their predecessors: P.A. Yasinsky (1902-1903) – the author of the textbook “Course of obstetrics”, P.V. Mikhin (1903-1912), V.D. Brandt (1912-1922). In 1920, the Faculty of Medicine left the Kharkov University, which, after merging with the Women’s Medical Institute of the Kharkov Medical Society, turned into the Medical Academy, and then in the Kharkov Medical Institute. At that time, two obstetric and gynecological departments were separated at the institute: hospital and propaedeutic (hereinafter – No. 1 and No. 2). The founder of the department No. 1 can be considered M.M. Mironov – head of the obstetric and gynecological department of the Alexander Hospital. On his initiative in 1913, according to the project of A.M. Beketov, a new three-story building was rebuilt in the hospital, which became the base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Women’s Medical Institute (since 1921, after merging into a medical institute, the hospital obstetric and gynecological department). MM. Mironov developed directions for pain relief in childbirth, prevention of postpartum infections, proved the reflex mechanism of milk secretion and founded the Society for Aid to Women in Childbirth.
During 1930-1934 the department was headed by A.E. Mandelstam, who received all-Union authority thanks to the proposed methods of restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes (the first proposed the use of atmospheric air to determine their patency), correction of malformations of female genitalia (a method of forming an artificial vagina using the rectal method), surgical interventions for benign tumors of the uterus and ovaries. The high level of scientific, medical and pedagogical work at the department is provided by its leaders in the future. This is D.E. Shmundak (1939-1953), V.F. Matveeva (1953-1966). From 1966 to 2011, the department was headed by V.I. Grishchenko – Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Director of the Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, WHO expert on human reproduction, who was the first in Ukraine to use in vitro fertilization, the first in the world to introduce the method of cryopreservation of human sperm and embryos. Since 2011, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.O. Shcherbyna, who continues and develops the main scientific and pedagogical directions that are laid down at the department.

The department trains students in educational and professional programs 222 Medicine Second (master’s) level and 221 Dentistry Second (master’s) level and studies the educational components (disciplines) “Obstetrics and Gynecology” and “Obstetrics”.
In the training of students at the department are widely used modern teaching methods:
– training applicants in the methods of applying the achievements of evidence-based medicine in clinical practice;
– introduction of new forms of clinical protocols for obstetrics and gynecology in the educational process;
– informing applicants for education during lectures and practical classes about modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention in obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology;
– widespread use of distance technologies to ensure the educational process in a synchronous and asynchronous mode.
In 2021, 3-D technologies for modeling clinical situations were introduced into the educational process at the department, which allows applicants for higher education to master practical skills in obstetrics and gynecology. Practical training of students takes place on clinical bases:
1. CNE of the Kh.RC “RCPC” (Malinovsky street, 4): Department of Pathology of Pregnancy, Department of Extragenital Pathology of Pregnancy, Maternity Department, 2 Obstetric Physiological Departments, 2 Gynecological Departments, Endoscopic Department, 2 Anesthesiology Departments.
2. Regional Center of Clinical Medicine (Constitution Square, 21): outpatient department, gynecology
The department created a textbook “Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2 Books” edited by V.I. Grishchenko, M.O. Shcherbyna, published in Ukrainian and English; textbooks “Fundamentals of Perinatal Medicine”, “Genital Endometriosis”, “Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine” and others. The educational process is fully provided with methodological instructions for practical training and independent work of applicants for education, methodological developments for teachers for conducting lectures and practical classes.
Training of scientific personnel under the educational-scientific program “Modern scientific research in obstetrics and gynecology” and postgraduate training of specialists is carried out.

Research of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 1 KhNMU is aimed at optimizing the diagnosis, treatment of perinatal infections in high-risk pregnant women; determining the role of relaxin in the preinduction of childbirth; optimization of diagnosis and treatment of endometrial hyperplastic conditions in metabolic syndrome, determination of new pathogenetic approaches to diagnosis and treatment of adenomyosis, etc.
The department carries out the initiative research “Optimization of diagnosis and treatment of reproductive disorders, their impact on pregnancy and childbirth.” Correspondence international scientific-practical conferences “Innovative issues in obstetrics and gynecology” and “Priority areas of perinatal medicine” are held.
In recent years, 2 doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations have been defended, 8 patents for inventions, 18 patents for utility models have been obtained, 2 certificates of authorship, 12 industry innovations have been obtained, more than 500 scientific works have been published.

The department is located on the clinical bases of CNE of the Kh.RC “RCPC (Malinovsky street, 4) and the Regional Center for Clinical Medicine (Constitution Square, 21).The staff of the department conduct consultations for pregnant and gynecological patients in hospitals and antenatal clinics, perform diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations, and surgical interventions. Participate in councils, pathoanatomical conferences, “Specialist`s Days”. Every year, doctors from other medical institutions improve their qualifications at the bases of the department. Professor M.O. Shcherbyna is a member of the board of the National Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine, a member of the permanent regional commission for the analysis of maternal mortality. The professors of the department are members of numerous commissions for the analysis of cases of perinatal morbidity and mortality.

The staff of the department take part in international scientific forums, win international grants, undergo training in foreign clinics.

The department conducts thematic improvement courses “Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology” and “Endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment in obstetrics and gynecology” within the BPD doctors.
The head of the circle is Saltovskyi Aleksey Vladimirovich – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor.
Members of the CIS are applicants for education of the 4th, 5th and 6th years of medical faculties. The line-up is constantly being updated.
The format is once a month online or offline, depending on the quarantine requirements.
At the meeting, the teacher introduces the participants to the latest trends in modern obstetrics and gynecology. The members of the circle make presentations of their scientific works. Discussions are held.