About us
The department was founded on September 1, as one of the departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education at Kharkiv National Medical University. It was called Anesthesiology, Traumatology and Emergency Care in Emergency and Emergency Care, Orthopedics and Traumatology. By order № 269 from 29.08.2013 from 01.09.2013 the department changed its name from anesthesiology, traumatology and emergency medical care to emergency and emergency medical care, orthopedics and traumatology. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and consulting work.
Areas of study of the department are teaching disciplines: “Emergency and emergency medical care” for students of 5 courses of all faculties, “Extreme medicine” for students of 6 courses of medical faculties and 5 courses of all dental faculties, “Military field surgery” for students of 4 and 5 courses of medical faculties. The department also conducts internships, master’s programs, clinical residencies, postgraduate studies in traumatology and orthopedics. Courses of thematic improvement “Minimally invasive osteosynthesis in polytrauma”, “Arthroscopy of the knee joint”, “Topical issues of rehabilitation and orthosis of patients with injuries and diseases of the lower extremities”, “Topical issues of rehabilitation and prosthetics for patients with injuries and injuries”. Topical issues of rehabilitation and orthosis of patients with the consequences of injuries and diseases of the upper extremities and spine” for orthopedic traumatologists and “Emergency and emergency medical care in emergencies” for traumatologists, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists. Emergency and traumatology and orthopedics are taught to cadets of related specialties. Training and advanced training in the provision of first aid to non-medical workers whose professional responsibilities are related to the provision of first aid.
The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of modern aspects of prevention, diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation of traumatic injuries in peacetime and wartime, orthopedic diseases. The result of scientific and methodological work was the publication of textbooks “Traumatology. Orthopedics”, methodical recommendations on subjects in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
Clinical bases of the department: Municipal non-profit enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital”, center “AREMIT”, LLC Medical Center “Inter-med”, LLC “Doctor Alex”, IPP “Pulse Terra”.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Medical work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The department was founded on September 1, 2012 as one of the departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education at Kharkiv National Medical University. It was called Anesthesiology, Traumatology and Emergency Care in Emergency and Emergency Care, Orthopedics and Traumatology. By order № 269 from 29.08.2013 from 01.09.2013 the department changed its name from anesthesiology, traumatology and emergency medical care to emergency and emergency medical care, orthopedics and traumatology. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and consulting work.
Since its foundation, the permanent head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Berezka Mykola Ivanovych.

The department trains students in educational and professional programs 221 “Dentistry” – masters, 222 “Medicine” – masters, 228 “Pediatrics” – masters and educational components (disciplines) “Emergency and urgent medical care”, “Extreme Medicine”; “Medicine” – Masters, 228 “Pediatrics” – Masters and studied educational components (disciplines) “Medicine” – Masters, 228 “Pediatrics” – Masters and studied educational components (disciplines) “Military Field Surgery”.
Interactive technologies are widely used in the training of students at the department using the platform MOODLE, ZOOM, Google Meet with the use of multimedia presentations, face-to-face and distance learning, the use of case methods. Methodical materials are posted on the page of the department on the MOODLE platform.
Practical training of students takes place on clinical bases (list clinical bases with indication of departments, etc.).
The elective course “Extreme Medicine” is taught at the department. The department has created 3 textbooks on orthopedics and traumatology in Ukrainian and English. Methodical instructions are created for each practical lesson.
Training of scientific personnel under the educational-scientific program 222 “Medicine” of the Doctor of Philosophy “Modern scientific research on surgery in the field of orthopedics and traumatology” and postgraduate training in cycles of thematic improvement.

The scientific direction of the department includes research, analysis, development and implementation of modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of victims of high-energy injuries, road accidents and patients with dystrophic and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially osteoarthritis and rheumatic lesions of large joints. Scientific and educational activities are closely related to methodological and publishing work – preparation and publication of textbooks for students and doctors, scientific articles in professional journals of Ukraine and abroad.
Research interests of the department include endoprosthetics after fractures of the proximal femur and degenerative processes of large joints, research and optimization of treatment of victims with multiple and combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system, improvement of minimally invasive and minimally invasive surgical treatments. and degenerative changes in large joints.
Research topics are closely related to the research of the department, which includes analysis and development of modern methods of treatment and scientifically sound principles and measures of medical rehabilitation of victims of road accidents, scientific substantiation of principles and methods of the Disaster Medicine Service as a mechanism of military-civil cooperation in the system of civil protection. In total, 6 research was performed at the department.
The staff of the department together with State Institution “Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” conducts research to determine the risks of loss of limbs due to modern hostilities and develops measures to eliminate the impact of risk factors and together with UKRNDIPROSTHESIS develops modern scientifically based principles and measures of medical, physical rehabilitation and prosthetics/orthoses for persons with musculoskeletal pathology.
During the existence of the department 5 clinical residents were trained, 7 candidate dissertations were defended by graduate students of the department, 3 Patents of Ukraine for utility model were developed.
Employees of the department are the authors of 4 textbooks on traumatology and orthopedics for students of higher educational institutions, two of them – in foreign languages, 1 textbook on modern therapeutic massage. The results of scientific research are reflected in 44 articles in domestic and foreign professional journals, their materials are published in 58 collections of scientific papers.
Guidelines for students 48.
Postgraduate training of specialists and training of scientific personnel in the educational program “Traumatology and Orthopedics”.

Medical work of the department is carried out on clinical bases Municipal non-profit enterprise of Kharkiv regional council “Regional clinical hospital”, center of LLC “AREMIT”, LLC Medical center “Inter-med”, LLC “Doctor Alex”, IPP “Pulse Tera”.
Clinical bases of the department are KNP CHO “Regional Clinical Hospital”. Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital is multi-profile. Patients from the region receive counseling in a consultative clinic and specialized inpatient care in inpatient departments. In addition, on the basis of the regional clinical hospital there is a diagnostic complex, which is equipped with modern equipment for MRI, CT, MRI diagnostics, laboratory building. The regional hospital has a trauma department with 35 beds, where in addition to emergency care, care is provided to patients with the consequences and complications of injuries to the musculoskeletal system and the most difficult orthopedic and trauma patients from the region.
Also, the base of the department is the Center for Emergency Care, which provides consulting and medical care to the CRH and city hospitals of Kharkiv region. The center consists of specialists in neurosurgery, traumatologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, ultrasound doctors, surgeons who form field teams to help patients in the CDC and city hospitals directly, if necessary, patients are transported to KNP CHO “Regional Clinical Hospital” or other institutions health of Kharkiv. All this makes it possible to conduct classes in specialized departments of the hospital: trauma, surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, admission and diagnostic department and others. Emergency care for patients in the area is provided around the clock every day. Therefore, interns, cadets and students have the opportunity to acquire practical skills in providing emergency care to victims with musculoskeletal injuries.
These offices are equipped with the latest equipment and monitors.
Membership in professional associations:
- ESTES – European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery
- SICOT ISAKOS (International Society of Arthroscopy,
- NGO “Ukrainian Association of Sports Traumatology, surgery, knee replacement and arthroscopy”
- NGO “Ukrainian Association of Orthopedic trauma
- ‘Associationpreventive and anti-aging medicine
-Assistant, Ph.D. Spesyvy Ihor Ivanovych is the chief freelance orthopedist and traumatologist of the Kharkiv Department of Health
-Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D. Ostapenko Victoria Mykolayivna – Chief Freelance Anesthesiologist of the Kharkiv Department of Health

Employees of the department are members of domestic and foreign scientific associations, such as ESTES, ISAKOS, SICOT, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon.
14 times the staff of the department took part in internships abroad (Spain, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Israel, Lithuania).

Training of interns in the specialty “Orthopedics and Traumatology”.
Measures of BPD of doctors (TU “Minimally invasive osteosynthesis in polytrauma”, “Arthroscopy of the knee joint”, “Current issues of rehabilitation and orthosis of patients with injuries and diseases of the lower extremities”, “Current issues of rehabilitation and prosthetics of patients with injuries”) (Topical issues of rehabilitation and orthotics of patients with injuries and diseases of the upper extremities and spine “for orthopedic traumatologists and” Emergency and emergency medical care in emergencies “for traumatologists, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists.)
The head of the student group – Assoc. Garyachiy Eugene Vladislavovich, Ph.D.
CIS members: 5th and 6th year students of medical faculties. The composition is updated annually.
Format: meetings are held in person at the department or online (Zoom) monthly.
At the meetings the teacher acquaints students with interesting clinical cases, students make mini-presentations on the results of research on current topics of emergency and urgent medical care, discuss topics and structure of future student work (reports, articles or abstracts).
Students participated in many scientific events, such as Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Clinical and Fundamental Medicine”, Kharkiv, April 14, 2017, International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical Science and Practice in Modern Conditions” Transformation Processes Lviv, April 21–22, 2017. X Jubilee Open Championship of EMD Brigades of Dnipropetrovsk Region – 2019 with international participation, Annual Young Medical Scientists Conference 2019, November 22–23, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine, V International Scientific-practical conference “Modern science: problems and prospects (part II)”, Kyiv, October 29-30, 2019, Science, society, education: topical issues and development prospects. Abstracts of V International Scientific and Practical Conference Kharkiv, Ukraine 12-14 April 2020.