Student scientific circle of the Department of Hygiene and Ecology
Cathedral Scientific Circle "Territory of the Optimum"

Members of the Student Scientific Circle:

  • Group Leader – Sofia Vadymivna Koval 2m-23-18
  • Danylo Emilovich Kalinin 1m-20-3
  • Anna Oleksandrivna Paramonova 3m-23-34

The main directions of our scientific activities:

  • Studying the syndrome of professional burnout in doctors and preschool educators.
  • Studying the impact of simulation technologies on higher education students.

The circle cooperates with partners from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics as well as those from Germany, Lithuania, Italy, and Switzerland.

We consider international cooperation to be a vital component in the modern world of science. Our circle members participate and present our scientific achievements both at national conferences and at international ones, including the DGAUM – All-German Congress of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. In addition, joint efforts have produced the first interactive scientific-publicist collection “Human Ecology. Essays on the Present,” which is available in our repository.

We all believe that the thirst for knowledge, discipline, and motivation are the keys to success!