Meeting with representatives of PDMU

On June 14 and 15, two meetings of representatives of the PO “Student Government of KNMU” with colleagues from Poltava State Medical University took place in Poltava.

Kateryna Topoliuk and her colleagues met with the representatives of the Student Parliament of PDMU – head Anna Parkhomenko and her team, and with the representative of the PDMU Students’ Trade Union Committee – chairman Volodymyr Dobrovolskyi.

The purpose of the meetings was to discuss current issues regarding cooperation, exchange experience regarding the development of Youth Organizations, identify certain obstacles in the functioning of the bodies of Youth Organizations of higher education institutions and form ways to solve them. A tour of the educational buildings of the Poltava Medical University and others, as well as the city of Poltava, was also conducted.

As a result of the meeting, the representatives of the Student Government of KNMU invited their colleagues to visit Kharkiv this summer in the format of a return meeting to consolidate cooperation.

Thank you to the community of Poltava State Medical University for the warm welcome!