Events for International Education Day
This year, the world celebrated the International Education Day for the sixth time on January 24, the purpose of which is to find solutions to the problems of modern education. It was to this day that the Department of International Relations and Grant Work office of the KhNMU dedicated a series of information seminars “International Education Day”, which were held on January 23-24 for students of the 1st-4th medical and dental faculties on the Zoom platform.
At the seminars, the head of the department Oksana Vasylieva told the story of the establishment of the International Education Day, presented international educational projects with which Kharkiv National Medical University is involved and also focused on the students’ attention on the need to improve the level of foreign language proficiency when studying at a medical higher education institution. Leading specialist Maryna Bohdan reminded students of the modern opportunities for international academic mobility and urged the audience to follow the news on the official website of the KhNMU, to participate in competitions and other activities within the framework of international cooperation.
Representatives of the Ukrainian-German DAAD project, Halyna Rudenko and Mariа Oliinyk, joined the seminars, introducing students to the programs “UA-MEDSAT (Ukraine MEDical SAtellite Teaching)” with the support of the Julius Maximilian University of Wurzburg and “Ukraine digital – Clinical reasoning in medical education” with the support of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
In total, 370 students attended the seminars over the 2 days, and the most active were students of the Faculty of Dentistry. We hope that such events will help increase students’ motivation to participate in international educational projects, as well as improve their level of foreign language proficiency.