Join the Pain Medicine Lecture Series

Dear students and colleagues of Kharkiv National Medical University!

We kindly invite you to join the Pain Medicine Lecture Series by Dr. med. Michael Schenk, the Honorary Professor of KhNMU, the Head of Center of Integrative Pain Medicine Franziskus- Krankenhaus Berlin, Academic teaching- hospital of Charité University Medicine Berlin.

Dates: Every second Tuesday in month, 09:00-10:30 Ukrainian time.

Content: Pain Medicine lectures are designed to provide an overview of the diagnosis, treatment, and pathophysiology of the most common pain disorders.

The lectures are intended for students in higher semesters who already have previous medical knowledge.

After completing the lecture series, students should be able to both recognize and treat common pain disorders.

The lecture concept is intended to allow patients to be treated in a pragmatic manner.

A scientific evidence-based approach is always adopted, taking into account the latest research findings as well as accepted scientific guidelines.


Date Topics More detailed description
11.01.22 Introduction, burden of chronic pain, epidemiology, pathophysiology of pain, chronic pain


Introduction: Individual and economic Burden of invalidating chronic pain, epidemiology, pain treatment worldwide

Pathophysiology: Pain on the molecular level, neuropathic vs nociplastic vs nociceptive pain

Chronic pain: Chronic pain as a specific disease, pain-associated psycho- social comorbidities,

Case report: Chronic pain


08.02.22 Chronic pain, diagnostics and clinical examinations in pain patients Verbal history: Pain history, measuring of pain (NAS-, VAS- scores),

Pain- questionnaires (Pain Detect, DASS, LANSS- scale, etc)

Physical examination: Neurological pain examination (motor function, sensory function, dermatomes, nerves, allodynia), orthopedic examination, internistic examination

Case report: Taking a pain history, neuropathic pain


15.03.22 Pharmacotherapy in pain medicine Principles of pharmacotherapy in pain

Specific drugs: NSAIDS, coxibs, metamizol, opioids WHO ll and lll, drugs to treat opioid side-effects (laxatives, antiemetics, drugs against sweating), antiepileptics, antidepressants, NMDA- receptor- antagonists (Ketamine), topical therapies (e.g. lidocaine-patch, capsaicin), baclofen, muscle relaxants, ointments

Case reports: analgesic effects of drugs, adverse drug reactions


Specific pain syndromes
12.04.22 Neuropathic pain Diseases: Postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic polyneuropathy, chemotherapy induced polyneuropathy (CIPNP), phantom limb pain (PLP), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), postsurgical or – traumatic nerve lesions (e.g.)

Therapy: Antineuropathic pharmacotherapy and neuromodulative procedures

Case reports: Postherpetic neuralgia (e.g.)


10.05.22 Headache Diseases: Primary vs secondary headache

Primary headache: Migraine, Tension type headache (TTH), trigeminoautonomous headache (TAK) e.g. Cluster-headache

Secondary symptomatic headache: Arteriitis temporalis, sinus vein thrombosis, SAB

Face pain: Trigeminal neuralgia

Therapy: Pharmacologic therapies like with NSAIDS, metamizol, triptanes, steroids, prophylaxis, diet, sport, behavioral therapies

Case reports: Migraine, Cluster- headache


14.06.22 Cancer pain Disease: Etiology and pathophysiology of cancer pain, pain caused by tumor therapies, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, cancer-associated pain.

Therapy: Pharmacotherapy, such as opioid therapy, use of antiepileptics and antidepressants in cancer pain, practical use of the WHO step-by-step scheme

Case report



(1st Tuesday!)

Musculosceletal pain and visceral pain Medical conditions: Neck pain, low back pain, pain after Failed Back Spine Surgery (FBSS), osteoarthritis pain, pain in endometriosis

Therapy: Use of pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy and psychologic psychotherapy.

Case report: Musculoskeletal pain


11.10.22 Psychosomatic and psychiatric Co-Morbidities Medical conditions: Pathological stress, somatization, depression, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders, fibromyalgia

Therapy: Integrative approach to treat both somatic and psychosomatic aspects of pain, necessity to use psychotherapy in pain

Case report


Non-pharmacological therapies and complementary therapeutic methods Significance and role of psychologic psychotherapy including psychometric tests, physiotherapy, art therapy, music therapy, acupuncture, role of invasive therapies, herbal therapies, complex Multimodal Pain Therapy

Follow the announcements with reference to the lectures.