Scholarships of Dignity for students of KhNMU

On October 1, 2024, Kharkiv National Medical University celebrated the Day of Defenders of Ukraine and the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks. Thus, an international event was held in a hybrid format, dedicated to the presentation of certificates of the Lithuanian-Ukrainian Scholarship of Dignity for the future of Ukrainian medicine to 11 medical university graduates who lost their parents who were military personnel during the war with the russian federation. The initiator of the creation of this scholarship was the executive director of the Lithuanian Hippocrates Foundation, the head of the Center of General Pediatrics, the Clinic for Children’s Diseases of the Medical Faculty of Vilnius University, Professor Arunas Valiulis.

The event was opened by the vice-rector of scientific and pedagogical work Iryna Leshchyna: “The functioning of the university, the life of Kharkiv and our invincibility holds on the strong shoulders of our defenders. However, we are not alone in our struggle, because our international partners support Ukraine, Kharkiv and our university, this makes us even stronger.” Mrs. Iryna expressed sincere thanks to all Lithuanian colleagues for their unwavering support of Ukraine, our students and productive cooperation with our university.

Olga Belousova, professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 3 and Neonatology, supported the scholarship recipients with warm words and spoke about the touching exhibition in the Lithuanian Parliament that took place last week – the stories of Ukrainian children whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. Professor Arunas Valioulis and the Ukrainian Memory Platform Memorial of Support participated in the creation of this exposition in Vilnius  with Ukrainian and Lithuanian Scientists and Politicians.

The invited guest of the event is the deputy chairman of the board of the Council of Elders of the Kharkiv region and co-author of the international project “Abetka. World without war” Mykola Tovstyak presented to the audience an English-language video in which the children of Ukraine appeal to all other countries and ask to hear and see what is happening to them now. Mr. Mykola presented the scholarship recipients with his author’s book “The Alphabet of My Country Ukraine” with a personal signature, and also offered to transfer one copy of the publication to Vilnius University.

The head of the department of international relations and grant work office, Oksana Vasylieva, thanked all the participants of the event and noted that the representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took part in this event to support the Kharkiv recipients of the Dignity scholarship, and gave the floor to the head of the medical post, captain of the medical service, assistant of the department of occupational diseases, Dmytro Molotiagin: ” Today, my fellow soldiers are our sword, and doctors are our shield, they are all together the protectors and defenders of our lives. I am grateful to my teachers that I found my mission in life. I sincerely congratulate my mentors on today’s holiday. Glory to our defenders, glory to Ukraine!”, Mr. Dmytro said parting words to the university students. Maria Cherkashina, from the Student Self-Government, gave a presentation on the social and volunteer activities of KhNMU students during the war.

At the end of the event, Professor Arunas assured that the support of Ukrainian students by the IPOKraTES Lithuanian Foundation and cooperation between Vilnius University and Kharkiv National Medical University continues further.

Respect and deep gratitude to all Heroes of Ukraine for the opportunity to live and work in a free country, as well as to international partners for their support!