Students were trained in Mental Trek

On June 15-17, representatives of the Center for Mental Health of KNMU and PO “Student Government of KNMU”, students Myroslava Smetanyuk (III medical) and Yuliana Kolesnikova (IV medical) were trained in Dnipro by facilitators and trainers from the Mental Trek program, which informs children and adolescents about means of mental health support in everyday life and crisis situations, and also teaches them to be tolerant and help people who have mental disorders.

The exhibition consists of five “stations” located in a circle, which participants take turns to pass with the presenters-facilitators. Each station focuses on a sub-topic, including the impact of bullying on mental health, the unity of mental and physical health, stigma and stereotypes surrounding the field of mental health, and more.

Mental Trek is a unique educational tool that encourages visitors to actively participate in the study of the topic, search for answers to important questions and share their own experience. Thanks to this, children and adolescents learn to speak and distinguish between mental states, learn who to turn to for help in case of mental distress.

At the end of the course, KhNMU representatives received 2 certificates confirming the successful completion of their studies and the possibility of further cooperation and work with Mental Trek.