Representatives of KNMU attended European training

On May 22-24, representatives of the PO “Student Government of KNMU” – instructors of the KNMU Tactical Medicine Training Center Kateryna Topoliuk (I medical) and Mykhailo Serik (II medical) successfully completed the international specialized training course – European Trauma Course (ETC), which was held at the base of Ternopil national medical

University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevskii.

In addition, representatives of KNMU also visited the Center for Simulation Training of Ternopil National Medical University.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, is introducing the European Trauma Course (hereinafter ETC) in Ukraine. ETC is a specialized training based on health care facilities that regularly participate in the provision of emergency medical care to trauma patients.

The main goal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is to increase the number of internationally certified instructors. After passing the ETC and instructor courses, there will be an opportunity to become a certified European Trauma Course trainer.

Congratulations on a successful continuation! We wish you success in expanding the possibilities of the TMTC of KNMU!