A representative of KhNMU took part in the training

On June 12-13, 2024, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research of Austria, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, organized a training session in Vienna, Austria. This event aimed to foster and strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian and Austrian higher education institutions (HEIs) within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Programme. Representatives from 23 Austrian and 40 Ukrainian universities attended the training. Maryna Bilonozhko, Deputy Head of the Department for International Relations and Grants, represented KhNMU.

The training commenced with Jakob Calice, a representative of the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD), highlighting the importance of international collaboration between Austrian and Ukrainian universities to enhance university internationalization and experience exchange. Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria Vasyl Khymynets and Heribert Wulz, a representative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF), emphasized the necessity of building bridges between the two nations.

Panel discussions during the training addressed the future prospects of cooperation in higher education and the current challenges faced by Ukrainian universities. Additionally, group matchmaking sessions were organized, allowing university representatives from both countries to present their institutions and identify mutual areas of interest for cooperation.

The second day began with a speech by Georg Weingartner, Austrian Trade Counsellor in Ukraine (Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine), who updated participants on the current state of economic relations between Ukraine and Austria. He assured that, despite the ongoing war, Ukraine remains a stable and strategic partner.

Austrian university representatives shared their experiences of collaborating with Ukrainian universities under the Erasmus+ programme and discussed opportunities for participation in the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation cooperation.

The event concluded with another round of matchmaking sessions, where participants exchanged contacts and ideas for future collaborations. This training session marked a significant starting point for building long-term cooperation between Ukrainian and Austrian universities.

We extend our gratitude to our Austrian colleagues for their support!