Certificates of the SimS project were awarded

On the eve of World Education Day, a ceremony was held at Kharkiv National Medical University to award certificates to 3rd–4th year students of the I–III medical faculties of Kharkiv National Medical University for completing training within the framework of the international educational project SimS.

The Sims project “Simulation Medicine and Scenario-Based Emergency Care Training” is being implemented by a consortium of Ukrainian and European universities within the framework of the Erasmus+ program “Higher Education Capacity Building”. It is aimed at improving training and providing first aid, including psychological aid.

The participants of the training were awarded certificates by the rector of Kharkiv National Medical University Valerii Miasoiedov. First of all, he thanked everyone who lives and studies in Kharkiv: “Knowledge about providing assistance during military operations is needed not only by doctors, but also by people who may find themselves in the middle of events. You are the first group that has undergone training within the framework of the project, and now you not only know how to provide assistance, but you can also teach others how to behave in such situations.”

Valerii Vasylyovych also emphasized that the project is aimed at saving a person’s life in the first minutes, which is very important for the frontline city of Kharkiv, which is suffering from shelling. In addition, the rector thanked the project manager, Professor Igor Zavhorodnii, Professor Yuliya Volkova, for their active work on this project and other trainers who were involved in training students of our university.


The project has been implemented at KhNMU since January 2023. During the 1st year, modern equipment was purchased for the Simulation Center of the National Research Institute of Education Quality, and training courses were held in partner countries on using the Open Labyrinth platform. During the 2nd year of implementation, 7 original scenarios “First on the scene” for providing emergency care (including psychological) were developed, which were uploaded to the OpenLabyrinth platform.

In November-December, 50 students of the KhNMU practiced practical skills based on these scenarios at the Simulation Center. The training was conducted under the guidance of teachers- trainers from the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine, as well as specialists from the Psychological Service of the National Research Institute for the Quality of Education.

For the 3rd year of the project, it is planned to train 50 teachers of secondary schools in Kharkiv to master practical skills in providing emergency care at the scene of emergency events.