About us
The main areas of activities of the Department include academic, scientific, clinical and consulting work.
The academic activity provides training of applicants for higher education in speciality 227 “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” on the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels, teaching of compulsory and elective educational components for students (including international ones) in such specialities as 221 “Dentistry”, 222 “Medicine”. 228 “Paediatrics”, 229 “Public Health” and 223 “Nursing Care”. The Department teaches courses of specialization in “Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine” and courses of subject advanced training in “Medical Rehabilitation in Gunshot and Mine-Blast Wounds of the Locomotor Apparatus and Nervous System”.
The research areas of the Department of Sports, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy follow the initiative subject “Development of biomechanically validated methods of rehabilitation treatment in pelvic diseases and injuries”.
Beginning from September of 2023 the Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor Latoguz S.I. has become the acting head of the Department.

- History of the department
- Department today
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Medical work
- International activity
- Postgraduate education

The Course of Remedial Gymnastics and Sports Healthcare was founded in Kharkov Medical Institute in 1932 at the Department of Intermediate Hospital Level Therapy of the Sanitary-Hygienic Faculty. At that time the Department was headed by Professor V.M. Kogan-Yasnyi. The Department of Remedial Gymnastics was founded in 1941, and G.L. Kanevskyi was appointed to be its head. In 1948 the above Department was united with the Department of Physical Education headed by doctor A.P. Maliarenko.
Beginning from 1950 the Department of Physical Education and Remedial Gymnastics was headed by Assoc. Prof. Essi-Ezing A.G., who defended his Candidate thesis on the subject “Remedial gymnastics in operations of thoracoplasty in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis”. After that time the Department, whose staff during the above period combined physicians in remedial gymnastics and lecturers in physical education, conducted systematic researches. Their subjects covered aspects of sports healthcare as well as physical education and sports. The majority of researches were carried out by the staff together with other clinical departments. The Students’ Scientific Society of the Department of Physical Education and Remedial Gymnastics started its systematic work from 1950.
In 1952 Kovalkova Z.P. and Maximova V.M. defended their Candidate theses. Post-graduate Eglit N.Ya. performed her research “The effectiveness of remedial gymnastics in a complex of therapeutic measures in diseases of the respiratory organs in internal medicine” based on the Department of Hospital Therapy.
Shiman T.D. and Cherninsky S.Ya. defended their Candidate’s theses in 1956-1957.
From 1960 to 1962 the Department of Physical Education and Remedial Gymnastics was headed by doctor, Master of Sports of the USSR Machkovsky M.V. During that period the Department organized classes in physical education for middle-aged and elderly people.
Within 1962-1965 Assoc. Prof. Koval M.I. headed the Department.
In 1965 the Department of Sports Healthcare and Remedial Gymnastics was separated from the Department of Physical Education and since that time the former was headed by Prof. Maximova V.M. The following thesis works were made: a Doctorate thesis “The role of remedial gymnastics in the complex therapy for patients with infectious diseases of the central nervous system and responsiveness of the organism to graduated exercises” by Maximova V.M., Candidate’s theses “Modes of active movements and remedial gymnastics in operations in the abdominal cavity” by Koval M.I. and “Physical exercises as a therapeutic factor in the active phase of rheumatism in children” by Chekanov V.A. Three thesis researches were made by specialists in practical health care and physical education (Filiavich A.Ye., Safronov Ye.I. and Nastenko V.T.). During the period from 1950 to 1968, 12 thesis works were prepared; these included 1 Doctorate and 11 Candidate’s ones.
During 15 years a champion of the XVI Olympic Games (1956, Melbourne, weightlifting) Rybak I.M. worked at the Department.
The staff of the Department systematically participated in international, All-Union and republican symposia and scientific conferences in sports medicine, sports healthcare and remedial gymnastics. For example, specialists of the Department delivered their reports in 1957 on the 12th International Congress of Sports Medicine in Moscow, in 1967 on the International Symposium of Rehabilitation in Neurology in Czechoslovakia, in 1968 on the International Symposium of Gerontology in Kyiv, etc.
From January of 1982 to March 1, 1989 Assoc. Prof. Koval M.I. headed the Department.
Particular attention was paid to improvement of academic-methodological and research activities. The Department prepared and printed 14 study guides and 2 monographs.
In 1989 the Department of Sports Healthcare and Remedial Gymnastics was integrated with the Department of Internal Medicine of the Paediatric Faculty of Kharkiv Medical Institute. Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Lotoguz I.K. was appointed to head the Department of Internal Medicine, Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics. At that time the Course of Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics was delivered by Assoc. Prof.’s Koval M.I. and Eyam-Berdieva T.S., assistants Apatenko I.V., Kirychenko M.P., Reusov V.V., Suprun S.A. and Telniuik A.M., laboratory demonstrators Taran N.N. and Bondarenko A.I.
The staff of the Course of Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics issued methodological recommendations and manuals for doctors “Remedial Gymnastics for Asthma in Children”, “Fundamentals of Remedial Gymnastics”, “Physical Education as Means of Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases”, scientific-practical guide “Nutritional Management in the Most Common Diseases of the GIT” (1999), etc. Researches were conducted by Assoc. Prof. Koval M.I. on the subject “Synchronous rheography of the liver and lungs in examination of athletes” and by Assoc. Prof. Eyam-Berdieva T.S. on the subject “Methods of remedial gymnastics in the separation of pubic symphysis during the postpartum period”.
Assoc. Prof.’s Koval M.I. and Eyam-Berdieva T.S. were authors of parts in the textbook “Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics” for students of higher medical schools (1993).
Assoc. Prof. Eyam-Berdieva T.S. examined and advanced to the clinical practice of the 1st City Hospital, the 1st and 4th Maternity Homes methods of performing functional exercise tolerance tests for pregnant women as well as created a series of video manuals in remedial gymnastics for the pre- and postpartum periods.
Beginning from 2000 the Course of Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics was supervised by Cand. Sc. (Medicine), Assoc. Prof. Kirychenko M.P. Sports medicine and remedial gymnastics were taught in the 5th year of the Medical, Paediatric, Medical-Prophylactic and Dental Faculties as well as on the Medical and Dental Faculties for Russian- and English-medium international students. The Department published 8 guidelines for medical and dental students, including 2 in the English language, 2 monographs and 1 scientific-practical guide. The staff of the Course of Sports Medicine and Remedial Gymnastics systematically participated in the work of republican and international congresses and symposia. For example, specialists of the Course delivered their reports at the 1st International Congress on Hypertension (Fès, Morocco, 1999), 4th International Sports Medicine Symposium (Zakopane, Poland, 2002), XXVII FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine (Budapest, Hungary, 2002), VI International Congress on Orthopaedics, Biomechanics and Sports Rehabilitation (Assisi, Italy, 2002), 3rd European Congress of Sports Medicine (Hasselt, Belgium, 2003).
In 2007, in order to optimize the teaching of remedial gymnastics and sports healthcare, physical education and health, the Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine with a Course of Physical Education and Health was founded and headed by Prof. A.G. Istomin. Honorary Professor of Kharkiv National Medical University, Director of the Institute of Pain (Munich, Germany) Wolfgang F.P. Bauermeister has been teaching at the Department since 2018.
On September 1, 2020 the Department of Sports, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy was founded.
Beginning from September of 2023 the Department has been headed by Cand. Sc. (Medicine), Assoc. Prof. Latoguz S.I.

The main and elective educational components are as follows: “Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine”, “Urgent Problems of Physiotherapy and Health Resort Study”, “Medical Rehabilitation”, “Fundamentals of Physiotherapy and Remedial Gymnastics”, “Drug-Free Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation”, “Fundamentals of Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”, “Fundamentals of Practical Activities in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy (Introduction to Speciality)”; “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge”, “Instrumental Methods of Functional Diagnostics and Treatment”, “Physiology of Motor Activity”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Internal Medicine”, “Therapeutic Exercises”, “Preformed Physical Factors”,” Biomechanics and Clinical Kinesiology”, “Examination, Methods for Assessment and Control in Dysfunctions of the Locomotor System”, “Methods and Techniques of Classical and Therapeutic Massage”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Paediatrics”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Dysfunctions of the Nervous System”, “Training of Motor Activity of Patients and Disabled People”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Disorders of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Paediatrics)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Dysfunctions of the Locomotor System)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Disorders of the Nervous System)”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy for Patients with COVID-19”, “Spa Treatment”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy after Surgical Interventions”, “Manual Methods of Physical Therapy”, “Kinesiology Taping”, “Postisometric Relaxation”, “Science-Based Practical Activity in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy”, “Hydrotherapy”, “Natural and Nontraditional Methods of Rehabilitation”, “Home Care for Patients and Disabled People”, “Fundamentals of Social Rehabilitation”, “Sports Medicine”, “Formation of the Medium for Patients and Disabled People”, “Models for Providing Rehabilitation Services (on the Basis of the International Standard)”, “Fundamentals of Management, Marketing and Administration in Physical Rehabilitation”, “Health Resort Study”, “Physical Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, “Simultaneous and Combined Use of Therapeutic Physical Factors”, “Physical Therapy in Internal Medicine (Clinical Training)”, Physical Therapy in Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Surgery (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Neurology (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Paediatrics (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Gerontology (Clinical Training)”, “National Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”, “International Experience in Organizing the Use of Physical Therapy in Health Care”, “Phyto- and Aromatherapy”; “Fundamentals of Reflexotherapy”, “Therapeutic Massage and Manual Therapy in Certain Diseases”.
The Department of Sports, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy gives classes with applicants for different levels of higher education, who study by educational-professional programmes 221 “Dentistry”, 222 “Medicine”. 228 “Paediatrics”, 229 “Public Health” and 223 “Nursing Care” in the area of knowledge “Health Care”.
The Department also trains applicants for higher education on the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels of higher education in speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”, who study compulsory and elective educational components. Fourth-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in specialities “Dentistry” and “Medicine” study such a compulsory educational component as “Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine”. Course units “Urgent Problems of Physiotherapy and Health Resort Study”, “Medical Rehabilitation” and “Drug-Free Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation” are also studied as elective ones by fourth- and sixth-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in speciality “Medicine”. Second- and third-year applicants for higher education on the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education in speciality “Nursing Care” study such a course unit (educational component) as “Medical and Social Rehabilitation” and the elective course “Fundamentals of Physiotherapy and Remedial Gymnastics”. Second-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in speciality “Public Health” study such an educational component as “National Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”.
The course units are taught in the state and English languages.
The priority direction in the work of the Department consists in introduction of modern technologies and methods of training into the process of education, first of all when training bachelors and masters in speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”.
The academic staff of the Department actively uses interactive equipment, role technologies and case studies in their learning activity.
The staff of the Department actively learns the global, first of all European, experience of training specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy; it searches for ways of their introduction in our University, as it was embodied in preparation of packages of learning and teaching documents for licensing of speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” for the education qualification levels of Bachelor and Master.

The main and elective educational components are as follows: “Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine”, “Urgent Problems of Physiotherapy and Health Resort Study”, “Medical Rehabilitation”, “Fundamentals of Physiotherapy and Remedial Gymnastics”, “Drug-Free Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation”, “Fundamentals of Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”, “Fundamentals of Practical Activities in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy (Introduction to Speciality)”; “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge”, “Instrumental Methods of Functional Diagnostics and Treatment”, “Physiology of Motor Activity”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Internal Medicine”, “Therapeutic Exercises”, “Preformed Physical Factors”,” Biomechanics and Clinical Kinesiology”, “Examination, Methods for Assessment and Control in Dysfunctions of the Locomotor System”, “Methods and Techniques of Classical and Therapeutic Massage”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Paediatrics”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Dysfunctions of the Nervous System”, “Training of Motor Activity of Patients and Disabled People”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Disorders of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Paediatrics)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Dysfunctions of the Locomotor System)”, “Practical Training (Clinical Practice in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy in Disorders of the Nervous System)”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy for Patients with COVID-19”, “Spa Treatment”, “Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy after Surgical Interventions”, “Manual Methods of Physical Therapy”, “Kinesiology Taping”, “Postisometric Relaxation”, “Science-Based Practical Activity in Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy”, “Hydrotherapy”, “Natural and Nontraditional Methods of Rehabilitation”, “Home Care for Patients and Disabled People”, “Fundamentals of Social Rehabilitation”, “Sports Medicine”, “Formation of the Medium for Patients and Disabled People”, “Models for Providing Rehabilitation Services (on the Basis of the International Standard)”, “Fundamentals of Management, Marketing and Administration in Physical Rehabilitation”, “Health Resort Study”, “Physical Therapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, “Simultaneous and Combined Use of Therapeutic Physical Factors”, “Physical Therapy in Internal Medicine (Clinical Training)”, Physical Therapy in Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Surgery (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Neurology (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Paediatrics (Clinical Training)”, “Physical Therapy in Gerontology (Clinical Training)”, “National Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”, “International Experience in Organizing the Use of Physical Therapy in Health Care”, “Phyto- and Aromatherapy”; “Fundamentals of Reflexotherapy”, “Therapeutic Massage and Manual Therapy in Certain Diseases”.
The Department of Sports, Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy gives classes with applicants for different levels of higher education, who study by educational-professional programmes 221 “Dentistry”, 222 “Medicine”. 228 “Paediatrics”, 229 “Public Health” and 223 “Nursing Care” in the area of knowledge “Health Care”.
The Department also trains applicants for higher education on the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels of higher education in speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”, who study compulsory and elective educational components. Fourth-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in specialities “Dentistry” and “Medicine” study such a compulsory educational component as “Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine”. Course units “Urgent Problems of Physiotherapy and Health Resort Study”, “Medical Rehabilitation” and “Drug-Free Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation” are also studied as elective ones by fourth- and sixth-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in speciality “Medicine”. Second- and third-year applicants for higher education on the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education in speciality “Nursing Care” study such a course unit (educational component) as “Medical and Social Rehabilitation” and the elective course “Fundamentals of Physiotherapy and Remedial Gymnastics”. Second-year applicants for higher education on the second (Master’s) level of higher education in speciality “Public Health” study such an educational component as “National Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”.
The course units are taught in the state and English languages.
The priority direction in the work of the Department consists in introduction of modern technologies and methods of training into the process of education, first of all when training bachelors and masters in speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy”.
The academic staff of the Department actively uses interactive equipment, role technologies and case studies in their learning activity.
The staff of the Department actively learns the global, first of all European, experience of training specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy; it searches for ways of their introduction in our University, as it was embodied in preparation of packages of learning and teaching documents for licensing of speciality “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” for the education qualification levels of Bachelor and Master.

Researches of the Department include examination of urgent problems in rehabilitation of patients after amputations. Aspects of physical therapy and ergotherapy for patients, who need preparation for carrying out and restoration after surgical interventions (hip and knee arthroplasty, removal of herniated intervertebral disks, spine stabilization, correction of vertebral deformity, arthroscopy, alloplasty, osteosynthesis of tubular bones), are actively developed. Peculiarities of remedial gymnastics at the early stage of rehabilitation of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting are examined. The effect of physiotherapy on young men with obesity classes 1 and 2 is also studied.
The Department has its educational-scientific laboratory of clinical biomechanics, which is equipped with a computerized anthropometer and an electric tension dynamometer. Members of the Department take an active part in Ukrainian and international conferences, congresses and symposia. The Students’ Scientific Society functions with success.
During 2018-2023, more than 150 scientific articles and theses were published; these include 3 in journals from scientometrical bases Scopus and Web of Science, a monograph, a textbook and 3 manuals. For a long period of time the staff of the Department actively cooperates with research institutions from Ukraine and abroad, including Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Malaya Institute of Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Roshcha Health Resort, Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Medical Exercises Dispensary”, Kharkiv National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture.

Despite difficulties of the martial law, specialists of the Department carry out consultations and give medical aid to servicemen of the joint forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and temporarily displaced persons from areas of military (combat) activity in departments of neurology, medical rehabilitation, somatic pathology of the Educational-Scientific Medical Centre “University Clinic” of KhNMU and other medical preventive institutions of Kharkiv and its Region.
Specialists of the Department provide rehabilitation treatment for in- and outpatients with pathology of their locomotor system (arthroses, diseases of the vertebral column, contractures of the upper and lower extremities) as well as patients of the neurologic and cardiologic profiles. Members of the Department also give consultations and take part in case conferences on the base of out- and inpatient departments of the Educational-Scientific Medical Centre “University Clinic” of KhNMU. The Department is also clinically based on the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Specialized Dispensary of Radiation Protection of Population”, where classes are held with applicants for higher education.
As for sports medicine, the Department is clinically based on the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Medical Exercises Dispensary”, particularly its department of remedial gymnastics and rehabilitation of sportsmen as well as the department of sports medicine, medical and biological support for representative teams, Regional reserve and the department of sports medicine and medical support for the people, who work out and go in for sports.
The Department has introduced novel methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients:
– performance of computerized anthropometry for biomechanical studies of pelvic restabilization;
– application of ortheses for the lower limb girdle in post-traumatic arthroses of the sacroiliac joints;
– sling therapy of functional blocks in the lumbar spine for lumbopelvic enthesopathies.
The process of treatment is carried out following principles of evidence-based medicine and using modern approaches in compliance with recommendations of international consensus.

Beginning from October 9, 2023 specialists of the international organization НandiCap Іnternational have been giving their training course “Rehabilitation of Patients with Amputations” for students-physiotherapists of KhNMU.
НandiCap Іnternational-Humanity and Inclusion (HI) is an independent non-governmental organization, which provides necessary services of rehabilitation in situations of poverty, exclusion, conflicts and disasters. During last 38 years HI has been present in areas of conflicts and disasters all over the world as the main leader in the sphere of rehabilitation and capacity development of rehabilitation personnel and partners. Their experience is valuable and the knowledge and skills, which they impart to students, is an important component of their extended education.
After beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 it is possible to observe a significant increase in the number of patients with amputations of their extremities, hence it is necessary to increase the number of skilled medical professionals, surgeons and specialists in provision of rehabilitation services in order to develop functional independence, mental well-being and to improve the general quality of patients’ life.
People with amputations require rehabilitation at every stage of the cycle of their restoration, beginning from the preoperative stage, within the whole period of hospitalization, when they begin to integrate into the society again, and during all their life, when their requirements and ability level undergo changes and evolve. It means that Ukraine must be ready to provide for the needs of the above population category in the coming years. Consequently, training of future rehabilitation specialists in skills and impartment of the knowledge, which they will require for their effective work with the above category of population, is the way how we can cooperate for providing young specialists with the knowledge that will help to meet needs in rehabilitation services of this population group.
It is generally accepted that patient-oriented multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way of supporting any person with an amputation for achieving planned results after rehabilitation. Therefore this training course envisages a complex approach to rehabilitation. Considering the fact that the course is developed for students-physiotherapists, it will be taught by HI specialists in 3 subjects: Physical Therapy, Prosthetics and Mental Health. The aim of using the multidisciplinary approach consists in realization of the role of other specialists by students-physiotherapists for simplification of the procedure of redirection between specialists as well as for development of skills in specific components of these subjects that may improve their practical training as physical therapists.
This course of training consists of 10 sessions, each lasting 2-4 hours. The sessions are given in the interactive mode using different modalities, such as lectures, discussions, practical exercises, video presentations, detailed examination of different cases and real stories of patients. The classes are given offline and online. The training online course will be loaded on the existing online platform of the University and consist of pre-recorded lectures, online resources, quizzes and live discussions in groups.

The Department teaches 4-month courses for students in speciality “Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine”. Also the Department provides advanced courses for doctors: cycles of subject training in “Medical Rehabilitation in Gunshot and Mine-Blast Wounds of the Locomotor Apparatus and Nervous System”.
Supervisor of SSC: Cand. Sc. (Medicine), Assoc. Prof. Pavlova T.M
Members of SSC: applicants for higher education in speciality 227 “Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy” on the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) levels, the body is renewed annually.
Work schedule: meetings are held every month in the distance mode (Google Meet, Microsoft Teams), individual work is made independently and under tutor’s control. Results of the work are presented at students’ scientific conferences at the Department, interdepartment, University and international levels.
The best SSC members are qualified for participation in the Ukrainian contest in physical therapy and ergotherapy as well as other professionally oriented competitions.