About us
The department teaches two disciplines: radiology and radiation medicine. Students are taught in Ukrainian and English.
The discipline “Radiology” has two sections: Diagnostic Radiology (also known as Clinical Radiology, which is used in the EU) and Therapeutic Radiology, or Radiation Oncology. Both sections are taught in the third year of all faculties. “Radiation Medicine” is taught to university students in the V year.
Determination of radiological semiotics of diseases (in particular, oncological); search for radiological diagnostic predictors of recurrence of malignant diseases in the long term; search for new approaches to radiotherapy of malignant tumors in order to increase its effectiveness and/or reduce radiation complications.
Internal continuing education and professional development of the teaching staff of the department is carried out through weekly conferences, which hear abstracts (articles from 10 leading scientific journals on diagnostic radiology, radiation oncology, radiation safety) and review of current cases from practice. The department has an electronic library of journals: for the last 10 years.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Therapeutic work
- International Activity

In September 1923, Kharkiv Medical Institute organized the first radiology department in Ukraine and one of the first in the territory of the former Soviet Union. It was headed by a well-known specialist professor A. Sternman, who during his 9 years in the position (1923-1932) did much to organize and equip the department. In the 30-40’s of the XX century the department was headed by professor H. Harmandarian, professor O. Lemberg, professor E. Bryl, and from 1946 to 1966 it was headed by professor Y. Burlachenko. In 1954 the teaching of medical radiology was introduced here. Since then the department has been renamed to the department of radiology and medical radiology. In 1967, it was chaired by Ph.D. of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor I. Bodnia. From 1980 to 1982 in connection with I. Bodnia’s disease the department was headed by professor V. Shantyr. From 1982 to 2018 the head of the department was Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mykola Ivanovych Pylypenko. In 1995 the department was named the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Radiation Therapy and Radiation Medicine, and in 2007 it was named the Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine.
Since 2018, the department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Petrovych Starenkyi. His total experience is 29 years. His teaching experience is 11 years. He trained 3 Ph.D. Since 2009 he has been the head of the radiation therapy department and since 2018 he has been the chief researcher of the radiology department of the State Institution “IMR of NAMS of Ukraine”. Scientific activity of Viktor Starenkyi is aimed at developing new methods and technologies in the field of radiation therapy of malignant tumors. Much of the scientific results are related to solving the problems of improving the effectiveness of radiation therapy. Significant contribution was done in studying the effect of radiation therapy on cytogenetic effects in cancer patients during treatment. In 2010, he was awarded the diploma of the International Academic Popularity Rating “Gold Fortune” and the third degree of the “Independence of Ukraine” medal in the nomination “For significant scientific and practical achievements in the field of medical radiology, development of fundamentally new approaches to chemotherapy for lung cancer and humane attitude to the sick” (2010). He was awarded two Honorary Certificates of the Presidium of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (2003) and Honorary Certificate of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Society of Oncologists (2014). Since 2009, he is Vice-President of Regional Oncology Centre. During the period of work, 360 works, 30 inventions, 144 articles, 29 of which are recorded in the world scientific and metric databases (Scopus, Web of Science) , 35 patents, 12 monographs, 2 training manuals, 1 educational publication, 1 textbook were published.

The department teaches two disciplines: radiology and radiation medicine. Students are taught in Ukrainian and English.
The discipline “Radiology” has two sections: Diagnostic Radiology (also known as Clinical Radiology, which is used in the EU) and Therapeutic Radiology, or Radiation Oncology. Both sections are taught in the third year of all faculties. “Radiation Medicine” is taught to university students in the V year.
To prepare students for the test exam “Step-2” and independent classes at the main clinical base of the department (82 Pushkinskaya St., Institute of Medical Radiology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 3rd floor) equipped classroom, which can be visited from 15.30 to 17.00 and to receive in this term the advisory assistance of the next teacher. The department recommends students to use educational text and illustrative materials on the website of the University “Repository” to prepare for practical classes.

Determination of radiological semiotics of diseases (in particular, oncological); search for radiological diagnostic predictors of recurrence of malignant diseases in the long term; search for new approaches to radiotherapy of malignant tumors in order to increase its effectiveness and / or reduce radiation complications.
Under the scientific guidance of Corresponding Member NAMNU, Professor M.I. Pilipenko 9 doctoral and 18 candidate dissertations were completed and defended. Currently, 2 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertations are being completed.
Internal continuing education and professional development of the teaching staff of the department is carried out through weekly conferences, which hear abstracts (articles from 10 leading scientific journals on diagnostic radiology, radiation oncology, radiation safety) and review of current cases from practice. The department has an electronic library of journals: for the last 10 years.
In addition, an electronic slide library of all sections of radiology has been created, which is used to prepare lectures for students (undergraduate education) and interns.
Clinical residency and full-time and part-time postgraduate studies are open at the department.
Research work of the department is “Improvement of the quality and diagnostic informativeness of X-ray examinations of the thoracic cavity by selecting the optimal conditions of the irradiation regime, the use of quality control programs and computer image post-processing.”
Within the framework of the agreement on scientific and practical cooperation the Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine of KhNMU cooperates with the following medical institutions:
– SO «Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»;
– Educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic” KhNMU;
– Kharkiv Regional Specialized Dispensary for Radiation Protection;
– LLC “MDC Expert-Kharkiv”;
– Kolomatska Central District Hospital;
– KZOZ “Valkivska Central District Hospital”;
– LLC “Nebozvid”;
– PE “Ecomed”.

Therapeutic work of the department is carried out on clinical bases:
- SO «Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
- Educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic” KhNMU
- Kharkiv Regional Specialized Dispensary for Radiation Protection of the Population

Employees who are members of international scientific organizations and professional associations
- Viktor Starenkyi – European Society of Therapeutic Radiologists and Oncologists
- H. Hrushka – European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM), World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy (WARMTH), European Society of Therapeutic Radiologists and Oncologists
- O. Astapieva – European Society of Therapeutic Radiologists and Oncologists
Head of the circle: associate professor Spuzyak Roman Mikhailovich
Members of SNT: 3rd, 5th year of medical faculties.
Format: once a month at the departments, or online.
Interesting cases are demonstrated at the meetings, radiological methods of research and treatment, innovative technologies are discussed. Students give presentations on the results of search work. Reports are being discussed.