About us
Oncology Department was founded in June 19, 1974 on the basis of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Oncology Health Center. In February 1995, its head was elected by Doctor of Medicine, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Starikov – oncologist of the highest category, author of 267 scientific works.
Employees perform surgical interventions of all types of complexity. Department members consult about 2000 patients with various oncological pathologies. Professor and associate professors conduct weekly visits to the departments of clinics.
Employees of the department have 7 higher professional categories.
Department conducts educational and methodical work on the basis SO «Grigoriev institute for medical radiology and oncology of the NAMS of Ukraine» and palliative medicine, oncology and surgery, oncology with evaluation of research results, surgery, incl. oncology and neurosurgery, oncology and radiation medicine.
The contingent studying at the department consists of bachelors of I-IV courses, students of IV, V and VI courses of all medical faculties, including foreign students. Teaching is conducted in Ukrainian and English languages.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Clinical Activity
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The Department of Oncology was founded on June 19, 1974 on the basis of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary. Its first head was associate professor Prokhor Ivanovich Kostya, and the first assistants were Cand. honey. VS Voloshin and Ph.D. honey. Sciences BB Voznitsyn.
From 1985 to 1988 the department was headed by Dr. Med. Sciences, Prof. Victor Nikolaevich Yakushev. In 1988 the department was transferred to the base of the Kharkiv Research Institute of Medical Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. In the same year, it was transformed into an oncology course at the Department of Radiology, headed by Dr. Med. Sciences, Prof. Mykola Ivanovych Pylypenko. The Department of Oncology was restored in November 1994. In February 1995, Dr. Med was elected its head. Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Starikov.

The department trains students in and studies disciplines: “Oncology”, “Surgery with Pediatric Surgery and Oncology”, “Oncology and Palliative Medicine”, “Oncology and Surgery”, “Oncology with evaluation of research results”, “Surgery, incl. oncology and neurosurgery, oncology and radiation medicine”.
Modern training methods are widely used in the training of students at the department.
In 2021, the educational process at the department introduced technologies for modeling clinical situations, which allows students to master practical skills in the subject of oncology with greater efficiency.
Practical training of students takes place on clinical bases (list clinical bases with indication of departments, etc.).
The department has created 5 textbooks, 8 textbooks, 18 guidelines ..
– scientific interests of the department – complex treatment of patients with oncological pathology;
– scientific products of the department: employees of the department are co-authors of national textbooks on Oncology and Surgery, monographs and scientific papers.

Employees of the department annually publish articles in Ukrainian and international publications, in particular in the publications of Scopus and Web of science databases.
Research interests of the department – comprehensive treatment of patients with oncological pathology.
Scientific products of the department: employees of the department are co-authors of national textbooks on “Oncology” and “Surgery”, monographs and scientific papers.

The medical work of the department is carried out on the clinical bases of the State Institution of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after S.P. Grigoriev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine in the Regional Center of Oncology and the National Clinical Hospital “University Clinic”.
Brief description of clinical bases, material and technical equipment.
Participation in providing medical care to the population and other (membership in professional associations, expert work).

Employees of the department actively participate in conferences and congresses abroad, undergo internships in leading clinics in Europe and Asia.

The department participates in conducting cycles of thematic improvement for postgraduate students.
1) the head of the student group – assistant Gavrilov A.Y.;
2) format – zoom or live at the department;
3) schedule – monthly;
4) areas of work – combined treatment of tumors of the chest, abdomen and retroperitoneal space;
5) student conferences – students present the data of scientific work at events in the city, the country and abroad (during the pandemic – online).