About us
The Department of Surgery № 3 of KhNMU was established on June 27, 1983. The base of the department was the city clinical hospital № 31 of Kharkiv, which is designed for 150 beds.
From the first days of its existence, the department was headed by a student of Academician O.O. Shalimov, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Lupaltsov, who immediately began to implement and develop the ideas of his teacher in the established surgical clinic.
Initially, 4th year students of dental, pediatric and sanitary-hygienic faculties were trained at the department. In recent years, the range of training for future professionals has expanded significantly. Since 1998, the students of the final 6th year of medical faculties are studying at the department.
Throughout the years, the staff of the department improves educational and methodological work, as well as takes an active part in numerous scientific and methodological conferences both in Ukraine and abroad.
The latest technical means are widely implemented in the educational process. The department has the necessary multimedia equipment for teaching, including interactive whiteboards and projection equipment, computer class. The main part of the study time students spend directly at the patient’s bedside, in the dressing room, operating room. According to state exams, fourth-year students of dental and graduate courses of medical faculties have a sufficient amount of practical skills acquired during the period of study at the department. More than 60% of students take the final and state exams for “good” and “excellent”.
Research interests of the Department of Surgical Diseases cover the main issues of abdominal surgery, including acute pathology of the pancreas, biliary tract, stomach, duodenum, and intestines, as well as current issues of treatment and prevention of purulent surgical soft tissue infection, etc. The scientific issues of the department are closely intertwined with the development of scientific problems of the university.
The clinic has introduced modern surgical interventions (organ-saving operations on the stomach and duodenum, pancreatoduodenal resections, radical reconstructive operations on the biliary tract, intestines, etc.), various physical and surgical methods of treatment in patients with surgical treatment. Methods of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery are widely used in clinical practice.
The staff of the department held four scientific and practical conferences at the national level, as well as published five collections of scientific papers on surgery of Kharkiv State Medical University.
Former students of the department successfully work in many countries near and far abroad, where they continue its glorious traditions.

Head of the student group: Skaliy Mykola Mykolayovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Composition of SNT: students of IV–VI courses of medical faculties. The membership is updated annually.
Format: meetings are held twice a month in face-to-face format.
Schedule: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
The aim is to encourage students to active scientific work, as well as to improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills in surgery.
At the meeting, students make short reports and presentations, followed by an active discussion of the topic with the participation of all students and the curator. After the discussion, students move on to the practical part of the meeting, practice basic surgical skills and have the opportunity to reproduce the stages of surgical operations.