About us
Department of pediatric infectious diseases was found in September of 1945 year (writ of Kharkiv National Medical University №157 at 21.09.1945 year).
Professor, doctor of medical sciences Sergiy Volodimirovich Kuznecov has been heading the department of pediatric infectious diseases since 2000 year. Collective of the department with professor Sergiy Volodimirovich have been continuing to develop deep scientific research of pediatric infectious diseases, scientists try to improve educational and methodical work, methods of diagnostics and treatment of infectious pathology, consultative work and support close interaction of science and practice. Collective of the department take an active part in the process of improvement of high medical education, lecturers give a courses «TU» of postgraduate education for doctors from other policlinics and hospitals of Kharkiv region.
Scientific way of the department includes development and introduction of modern aspects of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of pediatric infectious diseases and especially comorbidic pathology – herpes-viral infection in formation of gastro-intestinal disorders in infectious pathology in childhood.
During being of the department were prepared 36 clinical ordinators, 8 aspirants, 2 trainees-researchers, 1 master of medicine; were defended 2 doctoral diploma, 18 candidates of medical sciences, 1 master’s diploma.
Subject “pediatric infectious diseases” is teach for specializations: 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics” with preparing of experts of the second educational-qualifying level “master”, and with preparing of experts of the third educational-qualifying level of high education 22 «Health protection» for specialization 228 “Pediatrics”.
KNP HOR«Regional pediatric infectious clinical hospital», administrative building, 4 floor, Kharkiv

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Medical work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

Department of pediatric infectious diseases was found in September of 1945 year. O.D. Pevzner was first head of the department (1945–1964 years). Main way of scientific development of the department was determination of pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of scarlet fever, diphtheria, later – of acute intestinal infections and hepitities since it was found.
Since 1965 till 1985 year department was headed by professor Z.I. Kapkova. Stuff of the department continued to study scarlet fever, etiological structure of gastrointestinal disorders and started to investigate problems of viral hepitities.
Professor Egor Andrijovich Vashev was a head of the department since1985 till 2000 year.
Scientific interests of collective were concentrated at solving actual problems of medical science and practice of the development of new diagnostical methods, methods of prognosis of a course of the disease, explanation of medical rehabilitation of patients and reconvalescents based on studying of immunological reactivity of a patient at acute intestinal infections and viral hepitities, besides was started investigation of parasitology at the department.
Professor, doctor of medical sciences Sergiy Volodimirovich Kuznecov has been heading the department of pediatric infectious diseases since 2000 year. He is an author of 360 publications, 15 certicates of invention, coauthor of the tutorial «Directory of infectious diseases in children» (1990), «Selected lectures in children’s infectious diseases» (2006), «Prevention of infectious diseases in children» (2009), «Infectious diseases in children: book for doctors-internhs, for postgraduates, pediatric infectionists, pediatricians, for students of high schools of IV accreditational level» (2016) and many metodical recommendations for students, interns and doctors of practical health care.

Subject “pediatric infectious diseases” is teach for specializations: 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics” with preparing of experts of the second educational-qualifying level “master”, and with preparing of experts of the third educational-qualifying level of high education 22 «Health protection» for specialization 228 “Pediatrics”.
Modern methods of education (intramural methods and distance learning) widely used during studying of doctors at the department.
Practical preparing of learners takes a place at clinical base of «Regional pediatric infectious clinical hospital».
Were created 4 tutorials, 2 reference books, 54 methodical recommendations at the department.
Teaching of specialists of programs «Medicine», «Pediatrics» and postgraduate preparing of doctors is being held at the department of pediatric infectious diseases.

Main way of scientific development of the department was determination of pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of scarlet fever, diphtheria, later – of acute intestinal infections and hepitities since it was found.
Scientists of the department solved actual problems of pathogeneis, clinical features in children with viral hepititis A, rotaviral infection, salmonellosis, klebsiella infection.
Since 2000 year scientific interests of the department were concentrated at development of new methods diagnostics, prognosis of a course of a disorder, explanation of medical rehabilitation of patients and reconvalecsents with acute infectious diseases, viral hepitities, herpes-viral and chlamydial infections; collective of scientists of the department has been continuing development of topic: «Role of herpes-viral infection in formation of clinical course of infectious gastro-intestinal diseases in children» what allow to create new methods of diagnostics and treatment.
From 2012 year till now scientists of the department have been researching new methods of diagnostics, prognosis of a course, influence of herpes-viral infection on formation of clinical-immunological features of intestinal infections in childhood.
Main scientific achievements:
During last 20 years’ scientists of the department published more than 2320 scientific treatises, they are authors of 17 certificates of invention and 28 utility models, were performed 16 candidates’ and 2 doctoral dissertations.
Scientific co-working
Department of pediatric infectious diseases closely cooperates with higher educational institutions like Kharkiv NDI of microboilogy and immunology by Mechnikov I.I., Ukrainian NDI of problems of cryobiology and cryomedicine, CNDL of KNMU, pediatric immunological centre of Kharkiv.

During last few years scientists of the department of pediatric infectious diseases have been doing development of diagnostic methods and active treatment in the «Regional pediatric infectious clinical hospital». General quantity of bed-places are 300, there are 8 clinical departments with 30-60 bed-places each one. There are only 2 professors of the department have been consulting patients in the hospital since manifestation of corona-viral pandemic.
Besides, nowadays scientists of the department develop modern protocols of treatment of covid-19 disease.

Scientists of the department of pediatric infectious diseases actively take a part in international co-working with colleagues of foreign clinics, universities and medical societies to get new experience, to exchange of information with foreign specialists.
Were done a lot of business trips by doctors of the scientific department, such as: fellowship in the Chukurov’s University (prof. Olhovska O.M.) March, Adana, Turkey,
15-21 of September 2018 year – city Saloniki Helas, Greece, fellowship in the European medical center “Interbalcan” with questions about health-care and medical practice (docent Zharkova T.S. , as. Kolesnik Y.V.), 2021 year – educational fellowship – with organization «ASFUDS» 29.05-5.06.2021, Cyprus, Larnaka, certificate of participation № 004064 (docent Kucherenko O.O.).

Scientists of the department of pediatric infectious diseases teach doctors at the courses «TU». There are topics of this postgraduate course:
1. Actual problems of diagnostics and treatment of viral hepatitis in children.
2. Actual problems of diagnostics and treatment of diseases with rash in children.
3. Actual problems of diagnostics and treatment of intestinal infections in children.
4. Actual problems of diagnostics and treatment of respiratory infections in children.
Courses of topical improvement are hold 4 times per week, 24 doctors have already finished it in previous year and have got certificates.
Education in internship at the department of pediatric infectious
diseases in Kharkiv National Medical University
at the department of pediatric infectious
Nowadays young doctors-postgraduates with pediatrics specialization have opportunity to get a clinical experience, to improve their skills and to get new knowledge about infectious pathology and actual contagious diseases, what expand level of their background as specialists. To achieve this goal lecturers of the department have organized educational process, developed methods of it and have created modern forms of control postgraduate’s studying level in internship at our department.
Structure of the subject «pediatric infectious diseases» consists of such topics: 1) acute intestinal infections 2) viral hepatitis 3) acute respiratory viral infections 4) meningitis and encephalitis 5) diseases with rash 6) infectious mononucleosis, diphtheria, mumps.
Head of the student’s scientific society:Гаврилов Анатолій Вікторович
SSS members: students of the 5th and 6th medical faculties. The composition is updated annually.
Format: meeting once a month in online format (Zoom) or in person at the department.
The work of the circle was carried out in two directions: raising the theoretical level of students and improving practical skills through the use of phantom, electronic information (presentations, videos, guidelines, lectures) methods, conferences, meetings of the circle.