Mission of the University:

To create educational and scientific values in the field of health care, to promote health development in accordance with the needs and trends of modern society, socio-economic situation, as well as to ensure that students receive high educational services to acquire relevant competencies in order to ensure their competitiveness in the local and international labor market.


Vision of the University:

Modern educational and scientific university of international level, which is one of the leaders in training professional and scientific personnel for health care in accordance with the needs of the local and international labor market.


Values of the University:

Person / personality A person, his honor and dignity is one of the most important social values and the University builds its activities based on it. KhNMU cares about a person, creates an environment of respect for everyone’s personality, human dignity, strives to create conditions for the development and implementation of professionalism, competence, creativity, responsibility of everyone
Humanism KhNMU supports a humanistic position, recognizing the value of a person, observing and cultivating humanity, contributing to the development of a person and society, promoting respect and support, recognizing and protecting human rights and freedoms, creating the atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation between University leaders, teachers, students, practitioners and citizens in their activities.
Professionalism The activities of KhNMU are based on the professionalism of employees at all levels, the formation of the professional team of specialists of various of spesializations and levels to implement the mission of the University and its strategic objectives, training qualified personnel for the national and finternational labor market, and strive for continuous professional improvement. KhNMU supports professionalism and innovation and creates conditions for their development.
Ethics In all spheres of activity, KhNMU respects, supports and cultivates observance of the norms of public ethics and morality. The training of future specialists and the professional activity of the University staff is based on the principles of medical and corporate ethics.
Service to society Public health is one of the greatest values for individuals and society. By training specialists for the health sector, KhNMU cultivates and supports the aspiration and practice of serving people, society, making all efforts to develop it, the formation of a healthy state, the growth of public health, the interaction of social success, cultivating social responsibility and the desire to help people.
Quality In its activity KhNMU strives to ensure and constantly improve the quality of all components of educational activities, the quality of the University functioning. The University has formed and is developing a culture of quality, both at the level of teachers and students. KhNMU recognizes quality as one of the indisputable values of professional activity.
Leadership KhNMU is one of the leaders in the training of qualified personnel for health care in our country and abroad, and strives for continuous improvement and development in education, science and practice, supporting innovation and creativity. The University creates conditions for the development of leadership qualities, initiative and responsibility, supports the rational desire for change among students and employees.
Integrity KhNMU recognizes integrity as a necessary condition for the success of the University, the implementation of educational and scientific activities, training of qualified personnel for the health care system, the development of medical science, professional and personal development of employees and students. Accordingly, KhNMU promotes academic integrity at all levels and in all spheres of the University and professional life and does not allow its violation.
Equality and diversity KhNMU accepts diversity on various features(race, nationality, religion, language, gender, culture and traditions, living standards, psychosocial characteristics, etc.) and creates equal conditions for all, ensures inclusion, respects the freedom of everyone, understanding it limits, supports connection and cooperation to help people and develop society.
Respect for traditions KhNMU has a significant and successful history of its development as an educational institution and the center of formation of Kharkiv scientific medical school, which has made a significant contribution to the development of national and internationalmedical science. In our activities and aspirations, we draw on the history and traditions of our University and the world’s medical science and education, remembering that “we stand on the shoulders of giants.” Striving for innovation, we respect the experience and achievements of predecessors.